Elder Law
All too often, elderly persons are subjected to financial and physical abuse, but are too embarrassed or frightened to report their abusers. Many other elders, particularly those suffering from Alzheimer's or dementia, are unable to act on their own behalf.Â

If you suspect that a loved one needs assistance and legal protection...
We are here to help. Under California’s Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act, elders are legally protected from such abuses, and those responsible can be subject to criminal and civil penalties. Collins, Ritchie & Ervin is ready to help you protect your loved ones.

Do you have a parent or other loved one who is struggling to care for themselves and make decisions in their best interest due to advancing age, or a decline in their physical or mental health? If so, a conservatorship may grant you the legal authority to provide them with the care they deserve, and necessary oversight of their healthcare needs and financial concerns.Â
At Collins, Ritchie & Ervin, we understand the emotional challenges such cases represent. In fact, partner Shawn Ervin is often appointed by courts to represent people subject to conservatorship petitions.
Financial Elder Abuse
Fraud is unfortunately quite common, but elderly persons, and those afflicted with dementia and Alzheimer's are at particular risk. Roughly half of all fraud victims in the United States are seniors. Financial abuse takes many forms, and can be committed by people trusted by a loved one, such as caretakers, close friends, and even family members.
Some forms of financial elder abuse include:
Collins, Ritchie & Ervin is familiar with the broad scope of financial crimes committed against the elderly. If your loved ones have been victimized through financial abuse, we are ready to provide the representation they need to win fair compensation for the suffering they have endured.

Physical Elder Abuse
Every person deserves to feel safe, whether in their own home or a care facility. Unfortunately, the number of elders who have experienced physical abuse in the United States has increased substantially in recent years. Often committed by friends, family, or professional caretakers who have been entrusted with the health and safety of elderly loved ones, this abuse often goes unreported out of embarrassment, fear of further abuse, or the physical or cognitive ability to do so.
Abuse can range from neglect to physical assault, often taking the form of:
Cases of physical elder abuse are intensely personal, and it can be difficult for victims and their families to come forward and make their cases known.Â
We are ready to provide the legal assistance you need to bring your case to trial and recover damages for pain and suffering, past and future medical expenses, and even the loss of wages. If your senior loved ones are the victims of abuse, do not hesitate to call on the attorneys of Collins, Ritchie & Ervin, LLP. We can help lift the burden of this abuse off the shoulders of your loved ones, and ensure that those who caused them harm are held responsible.